Saturday, May 31, 2014

South of Annapolis

We anchored last night in Rhode River, Sellman's Creek.  There are many beautiful homes leading to the anchorage.  Today there are boats of every shape and size enjoying a Saturday on the water.  

There is a small craft advisory today due to 20 mph winds and 3 ft waves.  So, we will stay here again tonight and leave tomorrow morning.  Weather is predicted to be 5 mph wind and 1 ft waves -  much preferred.  We plan to go to the Sassafras River anchorage tomorrow.

We had our first dinghy visitors today, Ray and Beth from Brownsville, TX.  We met them several anchorages back at Mill Creek, VA.  They are also on the loop, but in a sailboat.  They have been boating for six years.


  1. You can now appreciate our huge sun deck. Great place to gather when it's stormy

  2. Love your blog Sharon and King. What an adventure you are on.
    Keep the pictures coming. Enjoy
    Jayne and Walt
