Saturday, June 17, 2017

Blue Moon Blues

February 2017

We really had no idea Blue Moon would sell so quickly.  Our prospective buyers had her hauled out at Owl Boat Works, about eight miles east of Ft. Myers.  We had a good ride, Blue Moon performed well and we had a final deal.  We would be off the boat tomorrow.

 Owl Boat Works hauled out Blue Moon and said she was a sound boat.  We knew that.

Up she goes for inspection.

We are returning from Owl Boat Works with new owners at the helm. Rob and Tricia, friends from Linda Jean, took this photo of Blue Moon and called it 'the final slip'. 

Many of our Looper friends had a going away party for us. Loopers do like to party.  Thanks to all who came to wish us well. We will miss our friends we made on the Loop along with new friends made at Ft Myers.

Rob, from Linda Jean, helping King load up the port-a-boat - a group project complete with peanut gallery offering advice. Great minds worked together to concoct a system to rig the port-a-boat to the truck.

We are packed up, port-a-boat attached.  Jane from Dixie looking on at my funny hat.  It is actually expandable, made of paper and looks like a vase, but turn it over and it is a hat!

On our way out of town we stopped at the Shell Shop, for one last tourist fix.  We hope to return again whether in our RV or in a smaller boat or some combination of the two.

As Jimmy Buffet sings, 
Drink it up, this one's for you.  It's been a lovely cruise. I'm sorry that it ended, it's sad, but it's true. Honey, it's been a lovely cruise.